Time Streams (after Tricycle) (2007)
Band/Wind Ensemble (Grade 4)

The composition process for Time Streams (after Tricycle) began with the simple question, “What if...?” I wondered what would happen if I took the opening measures, climactic measures, and basic compositional materials from a piece I had written in the past and attempted to “start over.” I wanted to see how differently the piece might turn out, even with many of its basic elements remaining the same, if I allowed that material to take on a different life. In this way, the new piece represents a sort of alternate reality, or time stream. This new “version” of Tricycle is much darker than its predecessor, and contains more of a sense of transformation over the course of the piece, moving from dark to light.
Time Streams (after Tricycle) was commissioned by the Southwest Iowa Bandmasters Association and premiered by the Southwest Iowa High School Honor Band in 2008.